List of Prize Bond Rs 750 Draw 94 in Peshawar (17 April 2023)

List of Prize Bond Rs 750 Draw 94

Are you looking for the draw list result of the prize bond Rs 750, draw # 94, held on 17th April 2023? If yes, then you reached the perfect website. On this website, you will get complete detail about the draw list of the prize bond Rd 750 held in Peshawar. You can check and match your bond numbers from the given list below.   

The first prize bond winner of Rs. 750/- receives Rs 1,500,000. On the other hand, the second winner will get 500,000. At the same time, 1696 prize bond users to receive the third prize worth PKR 9,300

You can also check the prize bond of draw # 94 from here. Below, we provided the prize bond numbers list of Rs 750/- draw 94 below. The prize bond of Rs 750/- on 17th April 2023 was held in Peshawar draw # 94. However, we will update you with the latest updates and draws held in different cities. So remember to visit us for updates.

750 Prize Bond Draw No. 94 1st prize

The candidates with the following prize bond number have won the 1st Prize of Rs 1,500,000- bond draws #94 held at Peshawar on 17th April 2023. 

  • Available Soon

750 Prize Bond Draw No. 94 2nd prize

The prize bond winners of Rs 750/- will get Rs 5,000,000 for the 2nd prize. So, the following 05 candidates have won the amount.

  • Available Soon

750 Prize Bond Draw No. 94 3rd prize

For the 3rd prize of bond Rs 750/-, the government selected 1696 candidates having the following bond numbers. They will win Rs 9300/- for the bond Rs 750/-, Draw# 94, held at Peshawar.

  • The list Will be Available Soon

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