After revealing the Rs. 100 prize bond result list, another draw result is due in August 2022. Draw # 91 for the Rs. 1,500 prize bond held in Peshawar on 15th August 2022.
Let’s take you towards the award details for each winner.
According to NSP authorities, the 1st prize winner of the 1,500 Bond is Rs. 30 lac. The winner of the first prize is one candidate only. The worth of the 2nd award is Rs. 10 lac.
Three Rs. 1,500 Bond winners will get a shortlist for the 2nd award. Moreover, one thousand one hundred & ninety-six Rs. 1,500 prize bond winners will get a shortlist for the third award. Its value is Rs. 18,500. The Rs. 1,500 prize bond winners list is available below; scroll down to get them.
1500 Prize Bond Draw No. 91 1st Prize Result:
Below is the prize bond number of the candidate who has won the 1st prize of the prize bond denomination Rs. 1500, Held in Peshawar. The candidate will receive Rs. 3,000,000/-.
1500 Prize Bond Draw No. 91 2nd Prize Result:
The 2nd prize (1,000,000) of prize bond of denomination Rs. 1500 has won the candidates having the following prize bond number. The award is for draw # 91 held on 15 Aug 2022 in Peshawar.
1500 Prize Bond Draw No. 91 3rd Prize Result:
The candidates having the following prize bond number has won the 3rd prize (Rs. 1705) of prize bond of denomination Rs 1500, draw # 91. The draw was held on 15 Aug 2022 in Peshawar.
The holding tax rate on prize money differs for tax filers and non-filers. The tax deduction is 20% in case of tax non-filers and 15% in case of tax filers against the prize money. For more information regarding the prize bond draws or news & updates, visit our website.
1500 Prize Bond Draw No. 91 Result FAQs.
Will the management deduct tax from the prize money of Rs. 1,500 Bond?
Yes, National Saving Pakistan will deduct the tax from the prize money of each Rs. 1,500 Bond winner.
Is the same amount of tax deducted from the prize money of each winner?
No, the same tax deducted from the prize money of each winner will not be the same.