1500 Prize Bond Draw No. 48 1st Prize Result:
Below is the prize bond number of the candidate who has won the 1st prize of the prize bond denomination Rs. 1500, Held in Lahore. The candidate will receive Rs. 3,000,000/-.
1500 Prize Bond Draw No. 48 2nd Prize Result:
The 2nd prize (1,000,000) of prize bond of denomination Rs. 1500 has won the candidates having the following prize bond number. The award is for draw # 48 held on 15 Jan 2011 in Lahore.
1500 Prize Bond Draw No. 48 3rd Prize Result:
The candidates having the following prize bond number has won the 3rd prize (Rs. 1696) of prize bond of denomination Rs 1500, draw # 48. The draw was held on 15 Jan 2011 in Lahore.
Many participants ask us; are the current circulating denominations of prize bonds available on our website or not. We want to clarify that all eight denominations of the prize bonds are available on the Online prize bond checker. These denominations include Rs 100, 200, 750, 1.500, 7,500, 15,000, 40,000 & 40,000 premium bonds. Here, you will get enriched with the results of succeeding & proceeding denominations of prize bonds. Go ahead.
How many draws of prize bonds Rs 1,500 gets held till now?
Till now, 48 draws of prize bonds Rs 1,500 gets held across Pakistan.
How to claim the amount of the prize bond we have won?
Blog: Prize Bond Checker Read this blog to know the details of the procedure of claiming prize money you have won.